Monday, March 29, 2010


Just saw some of the vids on Hutaree's (the angry Christian Militia) Youtube page and then went to some wackjob named IlluminatiTV's website.

I realize that the angriest, most unhappy people walking the planet today are religious.

But I can't fault the religions as I'm sure neither Jesus, Muhammed nor Moses would have anything to do with any of them.

So where do they get their wackiness from:


They are afraid. of what? EVERYTHING.

So they point at those of us just going about our lives, straight, gay, in-between, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, whatever...and they scream like Donald Sutherland in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". Then they appoint themselves judge, jury and on occasion executioner.

As if God actually gave them that authority.

I suppose on some level I feel pity for them, all that hate, all that anger, all that fear burning inside, but mostly I realize that they are here as an example for the rest of us.

An example of what it is like to waste a life or when they act out, many lives.

These people have no idea what it means to have faith, to be human and especially what it means to be a child of God.

They are lost with no hope of finding the way out.

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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Last week my brother in law, a successful consultant in the oil industry, with clients that include the Malaysian and Colombian governments, contacted an insurance broker to set up insurance for his new start-up company. He was told that my sister (a Family and Child Therapist with a successful practice), because of her Rheumatoid and Osteo-arthritis, was "un-insurable" by any company currently offering health insurance in this country.

The broker then mentioned that her best option was to continue on with her COBRA coverage for the remaining year and then...get this..."file for Disability and Medicaid".

Essentially she would become a ward of the state.

My sister has worked and been insured her whole life, she has paid her taxes, and most importantly as a Critical Care Nurse, pre-school teacher and therapist done more to help people than anyone else I know. And yet this is how she and millions of others are treated by people who think that our health care industry doesn't need to be reformed.

I am disgusted with this country, but my disgust is tempered by the fact that the US is on a collision course with itself and the only result is that, with any luck at all this country that I once loved will be destroyed.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2010

On the day a conservative Republican wins a Senate seat that has been held by the same Democratic family for over 60 years, some guy in Virginia shoots a whole hatful of people.

Go figure.

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Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 is coming to an end, quickly. So I have to hurry to get one last word in before time expires. The "Underwear" bomber guy just tried his thing. Considering it was the government agencies that missed this, the Republican outcry is pretty funny. The government response is even funnier, punish the people that fly. It's like being in a class where the teacher screws up and they decide to punish the students.

So because some Nigerian loner wants to gain attention by killing some people, the screws get turned on those of us who simply want to fly from one place to the other.

So how come, when another loner, who wanted to gain attention for killing Americans actually killed Americans...there was no significant response from the government at all? A certainly no outcry from The Republicans.

Seung Hui Cho bought two semi-automatic handguns in 30 days and used them to kill 32 more people on a college campus than the "Underwear Bomber" did by setting his pants on fire.

Some of the Tea Baggers and Neo-Cons will say that "Gun Control" legislation was passed to toughen measures keeping the "diagnosed" mentally ill and convicted felons from purchasing guns, well whoop de do.

The most dangerous "terrorists", the ones most likely to kill Americans, live right here. And they have an arsenal of un-imaginable size at their disposal.

You want to be safe? Get on a plane. You want to worry about terrorists? Go any where else in the good ol' USA.

"We have met the enemy, and he is us" Pogo (look it up)

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Friday, December 18, 2009

A long long time since my last blog. Had a small roll going for a little while but then became kinda sick and tired of the whole internet thing. Blogged then stopped. Was on Facebook, now off. But a couple of recent things had me scratching my head so I figured I'd write them down just so I wouldn't forget them.

1) Oral Roberts finally saw that 900 foot Jesus in the sky.

2) I realized that the 300 bucks or so that I sent the Obama campaign was wasted (at least so far)

3) That the real downfall of this society is going to be white "Christian" people who are going to become a far bigger threat ot the existence of the US in the coming years than any terrorists could ever hope to be.

As for Pastor Roberts, he is finally coming to terms with everything he did down here. I imagine him, like Jacob Marley, bound in chains and lock boxes, looking to haunt Joel Osteen and tell him that preaching prosperity is the road to ruin and damnation. Jesus, like Buddha, was a beggar. He depended on others and made due with what he had.

Mister President...shame on you. You really had a chance to turn things around Karma-wise for the good ol' U.S. Instead you let the bankers go into the Fed and walk away with more than they had in the first place. You're letting the Insurance Companies write the "Healthcare" legislation, and now we're gonna be in it knee deep in Afghanistan for a corrupt regime that wouldn't piss on this country if we were on fire. Unless Karzai could piss gas.

Tea Party? Glenn Beck?

Can you say Beer Hall Putsch? The only thing those guys are missing are the brown shirts and taking time out of their marches to beat the crap out of Jews.

These are the people that frighten me. The ones that think it is within their rights to bring assault weapons to rallies. Listen up folks...the book burnings are not far behind, the same for Krystal Nacht, The Fourth Reich and a new form of The Final Solution.

If you think I am going too far with the Nazi stuff, then you haven;t read your history and you haven't paid enough attention to these nut jobs. But you will. They will make you pay attention.

Happy Holidays,

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Saturday, September 06, 2008

Forgive me Father for I have sinned.

It's been over a year since my last blog here. Why a year? Why return now? Maybe I stopped because I felt compelled to write it and I tend not to do my best work when I feel compelled. Maybe I stopped because I didn't want to be just another cog in the machine. Who knows? But I decided to pick this up again because as a Christian, and a pretty damn good one I want the record to show that I am damn afraid that Sarah Palin could actually be a heartbeat away from a very powerful position. That someone with her religious convictions is incredibly dangerous, far more dangerous that any member of Al-Qaeda could ever possibly hope to become. That if she is allowed to be president, every man, woman and child on this planet will be threatened in a way unlike anything since the ascension of Adolph Hitler to the position of Chancellor of Germany in 1933.

I am a rational, educated person. I do not tend to fear anything, not my death, not the death of my friends or my family. But I fear Sarah Palin. I fear what she stands for, and I fear, not what she says, but what she doesn't say. And you should too.

May God really be with us,


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Sunday, August 12, 2007

"Religion is an important part. I never want to impose my religion on anybody else. But when I make decisions I stand on principle. And the principles are derived from who I am. I believe we ought to love our neighbor like we love ourself. That's manifested in public policy through the faith-based initiative where we've unleashed the armies of compassion to help heal people who hurt. I believe that God wants everybody to be free. That's what I believe. And that's one part of my foreign policy. In Afghanistan I believe that the freedom there is a gift from the Almighty. And I can't tell you how encouraged how I am to see freedom on the march. And so my principles that I make decisions on are a part of me. And religion is a part of me."

--George W. Bush Third Presidential Debate, Tempe, AZ, October 13, 2004

As those of you who read this blog know I fairly am disgusted with the state of Christianity in this country. The loudest most vocal and as it turns out most conservative Christians now seem hell bent on selling financial security as the 11th commandment. Alas, even the lovely Paula White (who will be appearing right down the street from me in a week) has sold out to the idolatry of money. The quiet every day Christians seem content to just try and ride things out. In so much as they don't really say anything about anything, content to get together on Sunday for the obligitory hour or so, play church softball, have picnics, and tell each other what good Christians they are.

And then there is our fearless Chrisitian leader (see above)...who bases so many of his decisions on his strong "personal" relationship with God. Evidently he has never read Romans 12:20-21. Or else almost 4000 Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis would still be alive.

20 But "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; by doing this you will heap burning coals upon his head" 21 Do not be conquered by evil but conquer evil with good.

Our leaders, and the fundamentalist Christians they represent are determined to establish a Christian-Taliban theocracy here in the very country that gave birth to the very notion that all religions and all people are created equal. They have forgotten or more than likely have never known what it truly means to be Christian. At some point in order to save Christianity, the silent majority of Christians here will have to rise up and recapture the faith from the faithless.

I was recently chatised about my small rantings saying I should remove the log from my own eye yada-yada...

I am certainly not without my flaws, and I am sure there is more I can do for my fellow man, but I do try and go through the day without harming anyone and helping those I can. If someone makes a mistake or takes advantage of me, I don't get angry, but instead feel sorry for whatever it is inside of them that caused them to do what they did. I smile at everyone because even something as small as a smile can help someone have a better day. I ask God to help me try my best to live a peaceful life in all aspects. The Dalai Lama says that the only way for true and lasting world peace is achieving it one person at a time.

I was told to remove the log from my eye. I do so every day.



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