Monday, June 04, 2007

This is for the two folks kind enough to read my ramblings of late.

Obviously there is a bit of confusion on my part as per my last entry, which for the record isn't really for anyone else but myself, because, as my friend Cleo would say, blogging is just another form of masturbation.

Be that as it may and if you happen to tune in again, maybe this will help.

We live in what I hear a lot of conservative Christians say is a society founded on "Christian Principles".

But we do not as a social entity, project these Christian principles forward to the rest of the world. I suppose the genesis of this started the other day when I argued the point (with the television of all things, certainly someone in the administration) that we as a society will absolutely have violent acts pointed at us, because we as a society project violence outward.

We kill each other randomly, without remorse. We sacrifice those that kill, using the banner of justice. We tailor our judicial system to suit our fears (the horrendous treatment of the prisoner in "Gitmo"). We defame those that don't govern like us, and even those that do, because they speak another language or follow another belief system.

We fail to forgive. We fail to love inspite of what evil someone may do to us. In short we fail to do the very things Christ asked of us.

Therefore, in my mind we have failed Christ and Christianity. I don't know if there is an arguement or not. All I know is that I have six more years until my son goes to college and unless our country changes direction completely and truly begins to follow Christian Principles, Montreal is looking mighty nice.

As for the rapture, I will argue the point relentlessly that it is made up "hocus pocus". Those that resort to that sort of faux belief system need to read Jurgen Moltman, or Barbra Rossing. I had the good fortune to meet both as part of a project for Trinity Church in NYC. They are enlightened souls who are fightingthe good fight against medicine show religion.



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