Monday, March 29, 2010


Just saw some of the vids on Hutaree's (the angry Christian Militia) Youtube page and then went to some wackjob named IlluminatiTV's website.

I realize that the angriest, most unhappy people walking the planet today are religious.

But I can't fault the religions as I'm sure neither Jesus, Muhammed nor Moses would have anything to do with any of them.

So where do they get their wackiness from:


They are afraid. of what? EVERYTHING.

So they point at those of us just going about our lives, straight, gay, in-between, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Jewish, whatever...and they scream like Donald Sutherland in "Invasion of the Body Snatchers". Then they appoint themselves judge, jury and on occasion executioner.

As if God actually gave them that authority.

I suppose on some level I feel pity for them, all that hate, all that anger, all that fear burning inside, but mostly I realize that they are here as an example for the rest of us.

An example of what it is like to waste a life or when they act out, many lives.

These people have no idea what it means to have faith, to be human and especially what it means to be a child of God.

They are lost with no hope of finding the way out.

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