Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Last week my brother in law, a successful consultant in the oil industry, with clients that include the Malaysian and Colombian governments, contacted an insurance broker to set up insurance for his new start-up company. He was told that my sister (a Family and Child Therapist with a successful practice), because of her Rheumatoid and Osteo-arthritis, was "un-insurable" by any company currently offering health insurance in this country.

The broker then mentioned that her best option was to continue on with her COBRA coverage for the remaining year and then...get this..."file for Disability and Medicaid".

Essentially she would become a ward of the state.

My sister has worked and been insured her whole life, she has paid her taxes, and most importantly as a Critical Care Nurse, pre-school teacher and therapist done more to help people than anyone else I know. And yet this is how she and millions of others are treated by people who think that our health care industry doesn't need to be reformed.

I am disgusted with this country, but my disgust is tempered by the fact that the US is on a collision course with itself and the only result is that, with any luck at all this country that I once loved will be destroyed.

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