Friday, June 16, 2006


2.26p 6/16


Yep. That's where the "But wait..." comes from. I wrote and directed a lot of those muthas for five years. Five years of crappy kitchen gadgets and useless weight loss machines, pills and gurus. Except for Billy Blanks. The man has a big heart and a good soul and a hot daughter.

The worst part of the whole gig was living in Florida. I don't wish for bad things to happen to folks so when that great big ol' storm rushes in to rid the planet of The Sunshine State I'm hoping most can escape to more civilised and politically forward places...Seeing as how Fla is the bottom then Texas, Alabama and Mississippi come to mind for starters.

I say most because, God help me, I fled the state with a bias against old people that I have yet to reconcile. They take up the best seats in the bars from 4p to whenever they feel the need to go home and call their children and complain about how fucking hot it is in a state they moved to to get away from the cold.

Alas, I blew out of Florida in a haste last year, getting away from old people, old girlfriends and infomercials.

Gotta run, I feel a country song coming on.



You're quite funny. Will there be more posts?
I just have to point out that all the dregs and scumbags that are overrunning the beautiful southern tip of Florida are the bi-product of all the great and wonderful things the magnificent civilized cities of New York and Boston have to offer this world we live in. The busttle and furosity with which all those motivated souls strive for success and financial freedom allows them to buy their winter homes and bring their warped sense of superficial values to an area where good people cant even afford to buy an overvalued home and raise a decent family. New York, Boston, and the so called great American cities are the true collection of the worst we humans have to offer. People driven to accumulate personal wealth instead of spiritual wealth. We are all guilty of it but you cant point the finger at Florida without looking at the systemic problem in New York and Boston. South Florida shallownes is the HSV symptom breaking out in the extremeties from the viral infestation in the heart of our nation
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